
Fast 5 Day Fat Burning Diet

Fast 5 Day Fat Burning Diet

Photo Courtesy: Aja Koska/E+/Getty Images

It is possible to lose stubborn belly fat, but you may need to go about it in more than one way. On their own, diet alterations or exercise might not be enough. Instead, you have a better chance of burning belly fat successfully by increasing the amount and intensity of your exercise routine; cutting excess sugar from your diet; and ensuring that you get enough sleep at night. Although these changes can target belly fat specifically, they can also help you lose weight overall.

Exercise can help reduce belly fat, which is sometimes referred to as visceral fat. However, you cannot target belly fat with a specific exercise; rather, you simply need to burn more calories than you take in.

Photo Courtesy: Anupam Mahapatra/Unsplash

The U.S. Department of Health and Human Services recommends at least 30 minutes of moderately vigorous exercise at least five times a week. That's a total of 150 minutes per week. This doesn't necessarily mean that you have to take up running or renew your gym membership. In fact, incorporating a brisk walk or bicycle ride into your day are good places to start. Changing your habits in small ways, like parking further away from your office or opting for the stairs instead of the elevator, can help reshape your lifestyle.

However, if you enjoy going for a jog, it is important to note that running (or other vigorous exercise) for 25 minutes a day at least three days per week can yield similar results in half the amount of time. The general rule is that the harder you exercise, the quicker you'll chip away at that visceral fat.

And don't forget strength training: Try to get at least two sessions in per week of strength training using either free weights or machines. According to the lead author of a 2018 study in the journal Cell Metabolism, "regular exercise training reduces abdominal fat mass and thereby potentially also the risk of developing cardiometabolic diseases."

Watch Your Diet

You don't have to change your diet drastically to cut down on belly fat. In particular, cutting back on your daily sugar consumption can reduce belly fat, even if you start by reducing sugary beverages.

Photo Courtesy: Travis Yewell/Unsplash

Sugar increases belly fat — even when it's coming from fruit juice. This is because the juicing process removes fiber and leaves just the sugar behind. Soluble fiber can reduce belly fat, which is why you should opt for whole fruits instead of juice. Eliminating sugary drinks, such as sodas, can also decrease belly fat. Replace that can of soda with a glass of water and reap numerous benefits. Additionally, try replacing a high-fat, sweetened dessert with an assortment of your favorite fresh berries.

For your belly's sake, focus on reducing carbs more than just counting calories or fat. Research suggests that incorporating monounsaturated fatty acids, such as oils, olives, nuts, and avocados, can help fight belly fat.

It may seem counterintuitive, but the experts at the American Heart Association agree that the Mediterranean diet, which is rich in "good" fats, can help lose weight and keep belly fat at bay. These foods are often higher in unsaturated fats, and they're also lower in calories and rich in nutrients. The Mediterranean diet largely consists of legumes, fruits, whole grains, and vegetables — and derives most of its healthy fats from food sources like olive oil, fish, and nuts. Aside from potentially helping to reduce belly fat, this type of diet can also lower the risk of heart disease.

Monitor Your Sleep

Research has shown that not getting enough sleep can cause abdominal fat to accumulate, especially in younger individuals. According to the Sleep Foundation, researchers have discovered that getting even an extra hour of sleep can make a big difference. The study in question showed that those who slept less than 5 hours per night were more likely to gain abdominal fat over a 5-year period compared with those who slept 6 or 7 hours each night.

Photo Courtesy: Bruce Mars/Unsplash

Additionally, a 2019 study published in the journal Medicine showed that adults and children who got less sleep were more likely to be obese or overweight. These folks were also more likely to exhibit disordered eating behaviors and experience metabolic changes and a decrease in physical activity.

Stay Active Beyond Working Out

Staying active doesn't necessarily mean working out. Taking small breaks during the day can be crucial, especially if you sit for a large portion of the day. Research has shown a direct correlation between sitting for prolonged periods ― 30 minutes or longer ― and an increased risk of health problems, including obesity.

Photo Courtesy: Roman Bintang/Unsplash

A 2017 study in the Annals of Human Biology showed that participants who sat for at least eight hours a day had 62% higher odds of obesity compared to those who sat for less than four hours a day. If your job involves sitting at your desk for eight hours a day, set a timer and get up for a few minutes every hour. This could involve taking a short walk, refilling your water glass, or simply standing and stretching. As an added bonus, this helps refresh your brain.

Resource Links:

  • "Physical Activity Guidelines for Americans" via U.S. Department of Health and Human Services
  • "Taking Aim at Belly Fat" via Harvard School of Medicine, Harvard University
  • "Women's Health" via Mayo Clinic
  • "Effect of diet with or without exercise on abdominal fat in postmenopausal women – a randomized trial" via BMC Public Health
  • "8 Ways to Lose Belly Fat and Live a Healthier Life" via John Hopkins Medicine
  • "Abdominal fat and what to do about it" via Harvard School of Medicine, Harvard University
  • "Soluble fiber strikes a blow to belly fat" via Science Daily
  • "How Do Monounsaturated Fats Help You to Lose Belly Fat?" via LiveStrong
  • "Factors Associated with Visceral Fat Loss in Response to a Multifaceted Weight Loss Intervention" via U.S. National Library of Medicine
  • "How exercise reduces belly fat in humans" via Science Daily
  • "Exercise-Induced Changes in Visceral Adipose Tissue Mass Are Regulated by IL-6 Signaling: A Randomized Controlled Trial" via Clinical and Translational Report (Cell Metabolism)
  • "What is the Mediterranean Diet?" via American Heart Association
  • "Sitting time and obesity in a sample of adults from Europe and the USA" via Annals of Human Biology
  • "Diet and Exercise and Sleep" via Sleep Foundation
  • "Assessment of sleep and obesity in adults and children" via U.S. National Library of Medicine


Fast 5 Day Fat Burning Diet


Fat Burner Diet Pills As Seen On Tv

Fat Burner Diet Pills As Seen On Tv

Key OxyELITE Pro Benefits:

Sustained Weight Loss

OEP has been safely helping men and women lose weight and burn fat fast for over two years!

Don't believe it? Read my story and check out the unbiased user reviews & results!

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Suppressed Appetite

You still need to do the hard work, but a key ingredient has helped thousands of users curb cravings.

This little "appetite suppression helper" will keep you fast on track!

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Sharper Mental Focus

"Sharp" would be an understatement!

Get ready to see the world through a new set of eyes, as Oxy Elite clears the fog!

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Energy — Strong, Yet Smooth

Caffeine is only the beginning. This perfectly-formulated new stimulant mix has a few extras that keep you going and going even under reduced calories!

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"OxyELITE Pro Killed My Lovehandles!"

Hi, my name is Mike and I run this site. I'm going to cut right to the chase – OxyELITE Pro is without a doubt the most potent, safest fat-burner that you will find on the market. And I use myself as proof, as you will soon see.

Before I begin, I must tell you that I am not employed by USPLabs, the creators of OxyELITE Pro. I am not one of their reps or affiliated with them in any way. I design websites for a living and am here to spread a message because there are so many lame weight-loss products out there.

If you are here, you are probably like me – constantly striving to be fit, but plagued by certain trouble spots. For me, it's the lovehandles. I've been a competitive athlete all my life, but even during my "prime" in high school and college, I still had those nagging lovehandles. They always eluded me.

That is, until last summer.

The OxyELITE Pro Super Thermogenic Fat-Burner

OxyELITE Pro is a safe but potent thermogenic fat-burner that brings something new to the table.

By thermogenic, I mean that it heats you up and causes you to spend more energy. This is done by speeding your metabolism.

By "brings something new", I mean that OxyELITE Pro isn't simply a product with a kitchen sink full of stimulants in it that cause you to bounce off the walls and crash a few hours later. There are natural, scientifically-backed plant extracts in OxyELITE Pro that work on multiple levels.

OxyELITE Pro is formulated to safely bring you these amazing benefits:

  • Literally melt fat away due to the potent heat created
  • Attacks the right kind of fat
    • in the right areas
      by targeting the proper fat cell receptors (more on this later)
  • An appetite so suppressed that you really need to stay on top of your protein numbers
  • Incredible energy and focus thanks to a new stimulant mix not used in other formulas…
  • …yet doesn't make you crash since it doesn't rely on monstrous amounts of caffeine!
  • Puts you in a ridiculously good mood thanks to increased serotonin production!

So I told you I'd cut to the chase:

OxyELITE Pro Before and After Pics

OxyELITE Pro Before and After

OxyELITE Pro Before and After - 7 Weeks

Yep, that's me. 7 weeks before my big 2.2 mile ocean race, I knew I had some work to do, and was nowhere near ready. But I did three things:

  1. Busted my ass in the pool, weightroom, and ocean
  2. Ate properly and limited alcohol consumption
  3. … and took 2 or 3 caps of OxyELITE Pro every day, exactly as directed.

Yeah, my lovehandles are still kind of there, but you get the idea. I put myself around 8% bodyfat there – I learned that this is around the level needed for me to really get them down.

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I took 9th place in that race, and you can be damned sure that I took 2 caps of OEP before the race too!

Just like you, I'm no pro. But my story is no different than anyone – OxyELITE Pro flat out works and I use it to get ready for any major event.

So What's in OxyELITE Pro? How is it different?

OxyELITE Pro's Ingredients are all natural and backed by science. You're going to see a few new names here. If you want the gory details, see our OxyELITE Pro Ingredients page – but stay here for now.

Bauhinia purpurea L – The Thyroid Mechanic

This is the extract of a flowering plant originally from South China.

Studies show that Bauhinia purpurea extract causes a natural adjustment in thyroid hormone levels in favor of fat-burning. It helps safely increase your "T3 to T4 ratio", and that's good because T3 is the powerhouse thyroid hormone responsible for the following:

  • T3 increases basal metabolic rate, meaning it increases your body's usage of energy.
  • T3 increases your glycogen breakdown and glucose synthesis rates, meaning it helps your body better process carbs and sugars. It also reduces insulin's effects, preventing it from storing body fat.
  • T3 stimulates cholesterol breakdown – and we're talking about the bad cholesterol.
  • Finally, T3 may increase serotonin in the brain, putting you in a great mood.

Fact is, we want more T3, but you can't just buy T3 at a store. Thanks to the Bauhinia in USP Labs OxyELITE Pro, however, you can bump its ratio up thanks to the Bauhinia extract to increase fat-burn, energy, and mood. But it gets better…

Bacopa monnieri – Bauhinia's "Partner in Crime"

A higher T3-to-T4 ratio thanks to Bauhinia is great news. But USP figured something else out when developing OxyELITE Pro – if you can find a way increase this T4 hormone, then more of it will get converted to our coveted T3!

Enter Bacopa monnieri. This is a type of perennial whose extract allows your body to naturally increase T4 levels by approximately 41% (compared to controls).

This winning combination ALONE is what makes OxyELITE Pro so much better than the rest – A true fat-burning, metabolism-boosting double-whammy!

This combination also seems to be what suprressed my appetite so while on it. The suppression was so strong that I really needed to watch my protein intake to make sure I was keeping up!

"Damn this Stuff's Hot!"

Exactly! If you're like most others, that first capsule of OxyELITE Pro is going to heat you up like never before. The above two ingredients are a main reason why.

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Rauwolfia Canescens (Rauwolscine) – The Lovehandle Destroyer

Rauwolfia is from the evergreen family. These plants contain Rauwolscine, also known as α-yohimbine.

"Yohimbine?! Oh come on, that garbage doesn't work!"

You're right. Yohimbine, for lack of a better word, sucks. And it's in nearly every useless fat-burner on the market.

The good news is that Yohimbine DOES work on one type of fat receptor, which increases the rate of fat breakdown. But the bad news is that it goes and negates its own effects by also working on another fat receptor, which slows fat burn!

But what if we could find a similar extract that works only on the fat receptor that increases fat breakdown? Problem found, and problem solved, thanks to the geniuses at USPLabs.

The receptor we're trying to block is alpha-2. The one we don't want to mess with is alpha-1. And alpha-2 receptors are NOT in a fun place – lovehandles and abdominal fat. We need to stop these things from slowing our fat-burning in these precious areas!

Rauwolscine/α-yohimbine has just enough of a different structure from yohimbine to make this happen. Rauwolscine steps up to the task by truly acting as an alpha-2 receptor blocker, yet does not activate alpha-1.

In fact, Rauwolscine blocks your alpha-2 receptors just as much as yohimbine, but is 50 times less effective on alpha 1! The yohimbine problem solved!

Cirsium Oligophyllum – Subcutaneous Killer

Cirsium Oligophyllum is another perennial plant. In studies, this incredible extract safely reduced gains in bodyweight by 6.6%, subcutaneous fat mass by 26.2%, yet visceral fat mass by only 3%!

This is big news because it's subcutaneous fat that is just below the skin, which is exactly what we're going for. Visceral fat, however, is the "organ fat" that your body needs a fair amount of.

Other Fat-Burners only attack your Visceral Fat – Not the picky OxyELITE Pro!

Greatest of all, cirsium oligophyllum extract works incredibly synergistically with caffeine, to the degree of 10x better than when used alone! Obviously, OxyELITE Pro has caffeine in it, making for another incredible tag-team combination of ingredients.

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Caffeine – The Engine Starter

Caffeine is a safe way to increase energy expenditure and heat you up. This leads to increased fat breakdown via lipolysis and lipid oxidation. All stimulant-based fat-burners have it, and OxyELITE Pro is no different.

But now caffeine has a partner in the cirsium mentioned above, making "the whole greater than the sum of the parts" in OxyELITE Pro and separating OEP from the rest.

It's important to note that OxyELITE Pro only contains 100mg caffeine per capsule. USPLabs found a mix that doesn't need tons of caffeine to get any effects. It is merely a synergistic agent with the rest of the ingredients, along with a nice, safe dose of energy to get your metabolism moving. And less caffeine means less crashing!

1,3-Dimethylamylamine HCl – Energy, Focus, and Appetite Suprression

1,3-Dimethylamylamine HCl was originally discovered from the geranium plant (a Chinese variety), which has been used as a food additive for centuries. It is also known as DMAA.

If you've ever used USPLabs' popular pre workout supplement, Jack3d, you know what 1,3 is all about and need no further explanation. This stuff is the bomb.

For everyone else, 1,3-Dimethylamylamine HCl is a long-lasting, mild stimulant that increases energy and alertness, and puts you in "the zone" with incredible amounts of focus and concentration. People even use it as a study aid!

In OxyELITE Pro's case, the 1,3-Dimethylamylamine HCl is synergistic with caffeine. Caffeine gives you the quick burst, germanium makes it last.

But what most people love most about DMAA is its appetite suppression mechanism. Many (but not all) reviewers on this site have stated that OEP has curbed their wishes to snack. This ingredient is why!

So whether you're like me and you like the focus and energy, or you dig the appetite suppressor effects, you'll find some great benefits to this part of the product.

But if you've never taken Jack3d, don't worry – you will LOVE OxyELITE Pro for this stuff alone – trust me!

And that's the short of it. If you want the long story on the ingredients, check out our OxyELITE Pro Ingredients page.

OxyELITE Pro Summary

To recap, OxyELITE Pro

  • Is a thermogenic fat-burner that will heat you up and help you burn more energy
  • Attacks nagging subcutaneous fat, yet reduces healthy visceral fat only small amounts
  • Suppresses your appetite
  • Gives great energy and focus thanks to the synergy between ingredients
  • Prevents a monstrous caffeine-induced crash
  • Makes most people euphoric and happy
  • … and best of all… OxyELITE Pro REALLY WORKS

That's it for OxyELITE Pro – thanks for reading! If you're still here, feel free to read on about the other important stuff – Precautions and of course Diet and Exercise!

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"Great Ingredient Listing, but what about Side Effects?"

OxyELITE Pro shows no side effects in well over 99% of its users. In fact, USPLabs and GNC have stated that there's been over a billion servings of Jack3d and Oxy ELITE Pro safely taken with no problems!

The extracts used are safe and show no side effects in the studies on healthy individuals who have been approved for use with their doctors (which we recommend you do). The main side effects are the intended effects – for instance, you're going to lose fat and you're going to get hot and possibly sweat more. Your appetite may be curbed. But this is exactly what you're buying!

As for me, I had absolutely no problems with OxyELITE Pro, besides being bummed out when it was time to go off of it.

We have an entire page dedicated to side effects, but the long and short of it is that the people who get side effects from OxyELITE Pro are the people who are not using it per the label's recommendations. They are taking prescription medicines that interfere with it (such as thyroid medication, amphetamine-based stimulants, or anti-depressants), or they are combining other stimulants, which should not be done as it will be stimulant overload.

Use this product as it is intended to be used, nothing more and nothing less, and odds are, you'll be absolutely fine!

Sounds Good – What About Diet?

Everyone's bodies are different, but the fact remains that you can't just take a fat-burner and expect results without working for them. OxyELITE Pro is a supplement , not a means to an end.

For the pictures above, my diet consisted of a natural foods diet that is best described by the folks at CrossFit:

In plain language, base your diet on garden vegetables, especially greens, lean meats, fish, poultry, nuts and seeds, little starch, limited fruits, and no sugar. That's about as simple as we can get. Many have observed that keeping your grocery cart to the perimeter of the grocery store while avoiding the aisles is a great way to protect your health. Food is perishable. The stuff with long shelf life is all suspect. If you follow these simple guidelines you will benefit from nearly all that can be achieved through nutrition.

Basically, my philosophy is to eat "anything that a caveman would have been able to kill or pull out of the ground and cook". This is often referred to as a Paleolithic or Primal diet, and is a naturally low-carb, high-protein, moderate fat menu, and breaks down to roughly 20% carbs, 50% protein, and 30% fat. We discuss this on the OxyELITE Pro Diet page. This is what works best for me, and has a rapidly growing following.

I do not fear healthy sources of fat – saturated fat is healthy – but I do fear artificial fats such as corn oil, vegetable oil, soybean oil, and canola oil – these are the real killers, and I have the science to prove so. You should get your fats from natural, unprocessed sources, such as avocados, coconuts, animal lard, nuts, and salmon.

Do you need to do this diet? No, of course not – but it works. You can and should use a site such as to help monitor your calories and macronutrients. You need to find what levels will help you maintain fat, and then put yourself in a caloric deficit in order to start dropping the fat. Find your equilibrium level, then drop 250 calories or so and assess from there after a week!

Eat REAL FOOD – Not Food Products

You will find that eating REAL vegetables – not grains – makes you feel incredible!

Off-limits are high fructose corn syrup, sugar, maltodextrin, flour (or basically "anything white"), corn, soy and its by-products, and high-glycemic fruits such as melons. Too much fructose from even low-glycemic fruits such as berries even seems to affect me a lot and put on fat – so I'll eat those in the morning. In fact, after 4pm, I'd try to keep insulin levels very low by avoiding any foods (besides garden-style veggies) where carbohydrates are the primary source of energy.

But those fruits are good. One thing that's really killing the western world is the "fructose without the fiber". The days of believing that a "calorie is just a calorie" are long over, but it goes even further:

Not all carbs are the same!

Your body processes different types of sugars differently – they have different chemical reactions going on "under the hood". And one that's literally ruining your liver and pancreas, and making you fat? The fructose without the fiber. Fruit juices. Fructose-based corn syrups. Even those nasty corn-based maltodextrins, which aren't exactly sugars, but spike your insulin terribly high. Stay away from them!

To get more into this, I urge you to set an hour of your time and check out the YouTube video titled Sugar – The Bitter Truth.

But I digress… so anyway, as I was training for a long-distance race, I'd sometimes load up on some starches like sweet potato, but never too late in the day and never too often.

At the end of the day, my best advice is to EAT REAL FOOD – NOT FOOD PRODUCTS .

This is just one philosophy, but the fact is that you need to stop spiking your insulin, and this means to drop the carbs, drop the white starches and sugars, and ditch the fructose and maltodextrin. If you have more questions about this, feel free to contact me.

What About Other Supplements?

Additionally, I supplemented with CLA, fish oil, whey protein isolate, and BCAAs (branched-chain amino acids – the building blocks of protein) as mentioned on the OxyELITE Pro Stack page.

Sure, you don't need all of these if your diet is spot-on with organic vegetables and grass-fed beef, but I understand that it's difficult and a bit expensive to eat organic and grass-fed and pastured food in certain parts of the country. Whey protein isolate shakes make for great snacks when every other snack out there is loaded with sugar. I talk about the BCAAs in the next section, but essentially, they are incredible to take if you are exercising on an empty stomach. BCAAs help spare your muscle tone when there's no food in your system, and keep cortisol (the stress hormone) at bay – something great for fat-loss!

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How About a Workout Plan?

Chances are, you're not training for 2+ mile ocean races in 64 degree water, so you're going to be attacking things differently.

However, no matter if you're a man or a woman, I firmly believe that you should be performing both weights and some type of low-impact cardio, and be active at least 4 times a week.

For me, fasted (empty stomach) cardio workouts in the morning are incredible ways to absolutely demolish fat, especially while on OxyELITE Pro. However, you'll lose muscle if you don't have any amino acids in your bloodstream, as your body will catabolize (tear down) your muscles in order to get the aminos it needs. This is why I'd take BCAAs upon waking, along with before and during cardio if on an empty stomach. They will be in your bloodstream for easy access when your body needs them.

As far as weights go, there are tons of programs out there, and you'll want some carbs in your system for these. I don't believe in going through the motions – I like to lift heavy and move fast. If you're not sweating, you're not working hard enough (especially while on OxyELITE Pro!)

Give me big compound movements with real weights. Not machines. I'm talking about bench presses, deadlifts, squats, lunges, thrusters, dips, pullups, and rows. After you get a couple of those in, then you can worry about your biceps and such.

But I'm a Woman – Do I Need to Lift? I Don't Want to Grow!

YES! Ladies, you're not going to get huge, especially if you're at a slight caloric deficit. The key word is toned. The best way to keep your body in fat-burning mode is to tone that muscle. The burn lasts, and research backs this!

Sure, you can and still should do some low-impact eliptical machine and yoga. But don't forget to work those muscles and do some sprints occasionally! I could go on and on about why women shoudl get into the weightroom, but a better place to read about it is here on – a great list of 9 reasons why women need to venture into the weight room.

If you have more questions about this, feel free to contact me or get a personal trainer to design a workout meant for you. We're huge fans of Personal Trainers – they get you going properly so that you don't ruin your shoulders like I have after years and years of swimming!

So that's about it. I hope you have as much success with OxyELITE Pro as I did. Come on back and update us with your progress like hundreds of others have!

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Fat Burner Diet Pills As Seen On Tv


Open Concept Living And Dining

Open Concept Living And Dining

30 Tips for Living Large in a Small Space

Photo Courtesy: Gabriel Beaudry/Unsplash

A small living space can still be stylish. All you need are the perfect products and accessories to liven up your studio or one-bedroom apartment, while maximizing your space. Of course, efficiency and comfort are important as well, and don't worry — we haven't forgotten your tiny kitchen and bathroom. Here are 30 products that will help you live large in your small space.

Get Creative with Storage Space in Your Bedroom

Photo Courtesy: Amazon

If you don't have a lot of closet space, you can always put things under your bed — unless, of course, your frame sits too low to the floor. If that's the case, it's time to place DuraCasa's bed risers under the legs to gain an additional boost of 3 inches of space for boxes, suitcases and anything else you want to keep hidden away. The risers are built to hold up to 2,000 pounds distributed across your bed.

"This is exactly what I was looking for," says one satisfied Amazon customer. Others praise the risers as "sturdy" and "nice and thick and strong." Something worth noting: A few people say the risers don't always stay put on hardwood floors.

Don't Just Throw Everything Under the Bed

Photo Courtesy: Amazon

StorageLAB's shoe organizer can help you keep shoes tucked away in an orderly fashion. With two of these containers, you can pack up to 24 pairs of shoes and adjust the size of the compartments to accommodate larger shoes or shoes with long heels. This handy organizer is also great for scarves, gloves and numerous other things.

"I wanted something that looks good and keeps its shape," says one reviewer. The firm siding on these containers ensures they hold their form, and handles make it easy to pull the unit out from under the bed. The clear zippered top allows you to easily find the shoes you want. "An A++ for design!" raves another happy owner.

When You Don't Have Room for a Nightstand

Photo Courtesy: Amazon

Sauder's Orchard Hills bookcase headboard fits a queen-size bed frame snugly or leaves a bit of space on each side for a full. Constructed of "very sturdy" particle board, the headboard attaches directly to the rails of your frame, providing additional stability while taking up minimum floor space.

It arrives unassembled, and although reviewers say it is "easy to put together," many also mentioned that the package is quite heavy and hard to move from the front door to the bedroom. Once the headboard is put together, however, you have plenty of room for an alarm clock, reading lamp, a stash of books (or a reading device) and stuffed animals or room decor.

The Extra Fancy Bed Storage Space Solution

Photo Courtesy: Amazon

If throwing boxes under a regular bed frame feels too basic, take a look at the Dakota platform bed with drawers from DHP. It sits on an elegant frame, with an upholstered headboard and two drawers on each side, allowing you to store just about anything in an orderly, efficient manner.

"We were concerned about the sturdiness," one reviewer admits, "but were quickly relieved once the bed was tested." Others praise the easy-to-follow assembly instructions, and one reviewer is particularly fond of the time it saves on cleaning, noting, "There's no space under the beds for dust bunnies to gather."

A Small but Powerful Vacuum Cleaner

Photo Courtesy: Amazon

The 2-in-1 vacuum cleaner from VonHaus is "not much larger than a broom," but it has more than enough power to keep your entire place clean. You can go over all your floors, just like any other vacuum cleaner, or you can remove the floor vacuum head to turn it into a handheld for cleaning furniture and spills on tables and countertops. When you're finished, just detach the container and throw away the dust and debris.

"I can't believe how good the suction is on this little vacuum," says one buyer. Other owners are delighted with its light weight and small size for easy storage. Several, however, suggest the filters need to be cleaned more frequently than the once-a-month routine VonHaus recommends.

A Classic Modern Storage Solution

Photo Courtesy: Amazon

Over the door shoe organizers like the one from MISSLO have become classic features in modern home storage design — so simple and obvious, once you think about it. Of course, many people use them for more than shoes. "I have one in my linen closet that I use for medicines, lotions, extra toothpaste, special hair creams — you name it," one reviewer reports. "I've gained an entire shelf for towels."

The organizer is "easy to hang," with four metal hooks that fit most standard-sized doors. Once in place, "It doesn't slip or slide around," and the 24 large mesh pockets can hold 12 pairs of shoes easily — more if the shoes happen to be sandals!

Keep Your Drawers in Order

Photo Courtesy: Amazon

"No matter how neatly I fold my bras and underwear," one reviewer complains, "they always seem to become a big jumble in the drawer." The solution? Simple Houseware's organizer set comes with four cases designed to hold ties, scarves, underwear, bras or socks in individual compartments, allowing you to easily spot items at a glance.

No more losing a favorite pair of socks in the back of the drawer, where it could stay buried indefinitely. "My only complaint," one reviewer says, "is that I would like to be able to get another 24-compartment organizer without having to buy the whole set."

Create Shelf Space in Your Closet

Photo Courtesy: Amazon

The hanging closet organizer from Simple Houseware is "easy to set up and super lightweight, but extremely durable," according to a satisfied buyer. When hung on the clothing rod in your closet, the fabric drops down to reveal five shelves, with an extra three pockets on each side.

You can put a lot of weight on the shelves, including jeans, sweaters, bath towels, bed sheets and pillow covers. (The lower compartments can even hold heavy boots.) This organizer is "the hardiest I've seen," says one reviewer, adding, "It does not strain at all."

Store All Your Jewelry in One Place

Photo Courtesy: Amazon

Are you constantly hunting through several different boxes on top of your dresser to find the necklace or pair of earrings you need to match an outfit? Maybe you need AOOU's jewelry cabinet and dressing mirror combo. The full-length mirror on the front opens to reveal enough storage space (including hooks) for just about any jewelry collection, with additional shelves for makeup and perfume.

"It is made well, very sturdy and hangs very neatly on my closet door," one reviewer says. (It can be wall-mounted as well.) Magnets keep the door securely shut, and a set of blue LED lights along the top light up when the door opens, making it easy to find what you need.

Take All the Hassle Out of Laundry Day

Photo Courtesy: Amazon

When floor space is at a premium, a full-sized hamper can be a bulky eye-sore. Smart Design's pop-up hamper can sit unobtrusively next to your dresser or tucked away in the closet. The mesh siding allows damp and sweaty clothes to dry faster, reducing the risk of funky odors.

"These hold waaay more than I thought they would!" exclaims one reviewer — enough to do two loads of laundry in a single trip, in fact. Plus, when laundry day does come around, the sturdy handles make it easy to carry, and there are side pockets for detergent and fabric softener.

It's a Lamp! It's a Display Case!

Photo Courtesy: Amazon

The Etagere floor lamp with shelves from Simple Designs Home is the sort of thing you never think about until somebody points it out — then you can't get over what a great idea it is. It's a floor lamp that stands just over 5 feet high and features sleek, sophisticated lines, but it also sports three shelves perfectly spaced for holding a telephone, small planter, cherished figurines and more. In the bedroom, it could easily double as a nightstand and a reading light.

"It took me all of 15 minutes to assemble by myself," one reviewer reports, adding that you need to have a Phillips screwdriver on hand. "You can't go wrong with this one," another reviewer adds. "It really does bring the room together." Some owners, however, note that the electrical cord can dangle awkwardly down the length of the lamp stand.

You Can't Go Wrong with a Good Rug

Photo Courtesy: Amazon

Home Dynamix offers a variety of rugs that feature soft, Persian-inspired decorative motifs in neutral colors. The Royal Clover contemporary rug is one example that blends nicely with nearly any decor. Whether you're looking for an area rug to pull the living room together, a runner for the hall or a small round rug for the bedroom, the company offers the size you need.

Many reviewers are delighted with how easily these rugs can be cleaned, with many stains coming out using only a damp cloth and some spray. "They vacuum really well," a reviewer adds, even in a household with multiple pets.

It's Okay to Drink on the Sofa Now

Photo Courtesy: Amazon

If you're watching TV and you want to enjoy a drink but don't have a coffee table, what do you do? Maybe it's time to consider the CoachCoaster, a gadget that fits easily over the arm of your sofa or armchair to provide a secure base for everything from beer cans to coffee mugs.

The sleeve is weighted on both sides for stability, and the drink holder keeps containers firmly in place — even if you accidentally brush it with your arm. (Although one reviewer did mention that it's still vulnerable to jumping cats.)

No More TV Dinner Trays

Photo Courtesy: Amazon

Maybe you'd like to have something to eat while you're watching the big game. You could put your plate on the coffee table and bend over to eat, or you could hold your plate and risk spilling food on the couch. Sauder's lift-top coffee table offers a better solution. The table top is actually a lid that raises several inches and slides forward, allowing you to eat — or work — comfortably on the couch with the top in front of you. Underneath, the table has plenty of storage space that is perfect for stashing items you don't want out in the open.

Reviewers describe this coffee table as "very sturdy and heavy." They also recommend you have somebody on hand to help you put it together.

The Comfortable Way to Sit Up in Bed

Photo Courtesy: Amazon

Do you spend a lot of time hanging out in your bedroom — reading, watching a movie on your tablet or checking on social media? You could jam a bunch of pillows against your headboard or wall to support your back — or you could get the ComfortSpa reading pillow. A comfortable 18 inches high, the foam pillow provides excellent back support.

"This helps me feel like I'm more laying on the couch than in bed," says one happy reviewer. "It's very comfortable, no matter how you lay on it!" The armrests even have pockets so you don't have to leave your glasses or smartphone on the bed, where they could be crushed if you roll over.

The Comfortable Way to Work on Your Lap

Photo Courtesy: Amazon

They call it a laptop computer, but have you ever tried actually holding one in your lap? They sit uncomfortably, and you have to keep your head bent to read the screen, potentially causing back and neck pain. The adjustable laptop desk from Mind Reader takes care of several problems. It's cushioned along the bottom, so it rests comfortably and smoothly on your legs. The smooth plastic surface can be adjusted to eight different angles, accommodating whatever position you choose, from sitting up to lying on the couch.

Although it's designed to work with laptops and tablets — and comes with a clip to keep them from sliding off when the desk is angled — it also makes an excellent writing desk. "No more hunching over for long periods!" one buyer says. Many note the plastic material is thin but say it's more than sturdy enough to hold various electronic devices, even a thick hardcover book.

Start Your Wine Collection in Style

Photo Courtesy: Amazon

Maybe you want to be a wine connoisseur — but you can't find anywhere in your cramped kitchen to store more than one bottle. Take a look at the Sorbus wall-mounted wine rack. Many customers describe the rack as "easy to install," although they also recommend that you use longer mounting screws than the screws that come with the product, especially if you're hanging it on drywall.

Once it's on the wall, people love the "clean, functional, simple design" of the metal rack, which holds up to nine normal-sized wine bottles securely. If you're not a wine drinker, you can also use it for cooking oils or set it up in the bathroom as a towel rack.

Plan Everything Out on Your Fridge

Photo Courtesy: Amazon

"We have almost always had a white board on our refrigerator for grocery lists and messages," says one consumer. Another says the magnetic whiteboard from cinch! is "the absolute best one we have ever had." It comes in two sizes (17 inches by 11inches and 20 inches by 13 inches) and includes markers — also magnetized to stick to your fridge — in four different colors.

The dry erase board cleans easily, even if you leave something written on it for a month, and the thin design, with "clean and smooth" edging, means it blends seamlessly on a white refrigerator, an effect another buyer describes as "almost disconcerting!"

Declutter Your Pots and Pans

Photo Courtesy: Amazon

Are you fed up with taking every pan you own out of the cabinet to get to the one pan you need? Maybe it's time to get rid of your frustration with the Simple Houseware pan rack organizer. Place the rack on its side to hold four pans in a row, or stack five pans horizontally without worrying about scratching them.

"You could not even see the bottom of my cabinet before," one reviewer says, but the unit still leaves rooms for pots in many cases. The racks are strong enough to hold heavy cast iron pans, although deep frying pans will only fit on top. It can also be screwed into the cabinet wall or the bottom for additional stability.

Give Your Pantry a Simple, Streamlined Look

Photo Courtesy: Amazon

One of the biggest problems with keeping your kitchen organized is everything comes in different size boxes and bags, forcing you to create improvised pyramids on your pantry shelves. DRAGONN's 10-piece airtight food storage containers set offers an elegant alternative, with containers in a variety of sizes to handle everything from spices to spaghetti.

Shoppers praise the containers as "high quality and very durable" and note they also look great on the kitchen counter and are easily hand washable. The airtight seals keep everything fresh and dry and are an excellent deterrent against ants and other insects that could invade your kitchen.

Have You Ever Looked Under Your Sink?

Photo Courtesy: Amazon

When it comes to kitchen storage, the cabinet under the sink is the space most people don't like to think about. It's easy to just throw all the bottles of different cleaners in there and slam the door, but the adjustable shelf organizer from STORAGE MANIAC offers a better solution. You can return order to the chaos and make it easy to find what you need when you need it.

Reviewers say this two-shelf unit is "very well made," noting that the length is adjustable to fit the size of your cabinet. The shelf's surface consists of steel panels, which can also be moved to make space for the sink's pipes. "Under my kitchen sink looks wonderful now!" one owner declares. It's also perfect for under your bathroom vanity.

Use Your Kitchen Wall to Establish Mise en Place

Photo Courtesy: Amazon

Great chefs run their kitchens with an impeccable sense of mise en place — the principle that positions everything exactly where you need it before you start so you can prepare any dish smoothly and efficiently. An empty kitchen wall provides a big opportunity to pull essentials together in one easily accessible spot — with the help of Wall Control's pegboard organizer.

It's the same kind of metal pegboard you might use to hang tools on the wall over a workbench, which ensures the board is sturdy enough to hold even your heaviest pans. "If you want something that will last a lifetime," says one reviewer, "then I highly recommend Wall Control boards." You can choose from a range of colors.

A Colorful Foundation for Food Prep

Photo Courtesy: Amazon

A well-stocked kitchen needs an assortment of mixing bowls and measuring tools.

Joseph Joseph's nine-piece set features all the basics, including four measuring cups and a tablespoon. The set is made of colorful plastic that will brighten up any kitchen, and the bowls don't lose their sheen, even after multiple trips through the dishwasher.

The mixing bowls are extremely sturdy, with no-slip bottoms. "On family movie night," one reviewer reports, "three bags of microwave popcorn fit in the large mixing bowl." The small mixing bowl can hold a dozen eggs at once, with no problem.

Get All Your Spices in Order

Photo Courtesy: Amazon

The hard part of becoming a more adventurous home cook isn't finding unique ingredients — it's keeping track of them once you pack them away in your pantry. YouCopia's Chef's Edition SpiceStack has drawers that slide out from their frame and tilt forward so you can view the contents at a glance. There's enough room for up to 30 regular-sized spice bottles.

Reviewers call the SpiceStack "a total dream," praising the "sturdy plastic drawers" for their "amazing spice storage." It even comes with blank and preprinted labels for the front of the drawers if you want to take immediate stock of your inventory.

You've Got to Hide Your Knives Away

Photo Courtesy: Amazon

When you've got a small kitchen counter, a chunky knife block can take up a lot of valuable space. Wusthof's under-the-cabinet knife block is the perfect solution, giving you easy access to eight knives (and a honing steel), then swiveling out of the way when you're done.

The beechwood block screws into the underside of a kitchen cabinet with just three screws, and many reviewers describe it as "very solid" and "excellently detailed with a smooth finish." They also note that the knives are held in their slots magnetically, but "they will fly out if you're not careful." Then again, you would always be careful with knives, right?

No More Fumbling for the Conditioner

Photo Courtesy: Amazon

"This shower caddy is epic!" raves one user who bought Simple Houseware's hanging shower head organizer. It has a deep basket for shampoo, conditioner and other bottles, with a shelf beneath that can hold razors, sponges and bars of soap, plus hangers for a loofah or a back brush.

When you don't have a window ledge next to your shower or space in the corners of your tub to hold stuff, just hang this caddy over your shower head to keep everything in reach. Other customers praise it as "super sturdy" and "very stable... exactly what my husband and I needed."

Making Bath Time Lots of Fun

Photo Courtesy: Amazon

If you don't feel comfortable hanging a caddy on your shower head, you can always try the mesh shower curtain organizer from Yihoon. It hangs securely on your shower rod or towel rack and has mesh pockets big enough to hold everything you need, from washcloths to shampoo bottles.

"We have a small shower, and I hate the look of bottles all over the place," says one reviewer. This organizer offers an ideal solution. The mesh pockets dry quickly, and you can always throw it in the washer if it gets a little funky.

Keep Your Cool — and Your Quiet

Photo Courtesy: Amazon

In a small room, every inch of floor space counts. Bulky fans take up too much room — and usually make too much noise. Lasko's oscillating tower fan stands discreetly in a small space and boasts a woodgrain finish that blends in with most decors.

More importantly, as one reviewer observes, "It's quieter than any tower fan I've ever owned," even at its highest speeds. A remote control allows you to change settings without getting up, and a nighttime mode allows you to slowly taper from high to low while you drift off to sleep.

So Many Cables. So. Many. Cables.

Photo Courtesy: Amazon

The TV, the cable box, the DVD player, the video game console, the high-speed modem, the base for the wireless phone — you've got tons of devices to plug in and very few outlets. Belkin's 12-outlet power strip and surge protector can help you keep everything up and running.

The power strip has six outlets running down the middle and another three on each side, especially designed to hold those oversized power adaptors that always cause you to lose the adjoining outlet on normal power strips. The internal circuitry can even gauge how much power each device is using and spread the voltage accordingly. "If I need more power bars in the future," says one satisfied reviewer, "these are what I will buy."

Get All Those Cords Out of Sight

Photo Courtesy: Amazon

Even if you have a power strip big enough to handle all your electronic devices, you still have to deal with all those cords and cables, which can create an unsightly mess along your floor and walls. A few cable concealers from SimpleCord can take care of that problem. The plastic units are designed to blend with most wall colors, leaving a streamlined path from devices to an outlet.

Reviewers praise these concealers as "easy to install" and "very sturdy." Once you have your wires laid down in the raceway containers, slide the plastic cover on, and you're all set. Add-on units allow you to turn corners easily, and you can even lock them into place along your baseboards with adhesive strips or mounting screws.

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Open Concept Living And Dining


Mid Century Modern Dining Table Vintage

Mid Century Modern Dining Table Vintage


Mid Century Modern Dining Room Furniture For Sale in Chicago, IL

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Showing 1-36 of 1210 item(s)

Kipp Stewart for Drexel Declaration Mid Century White Glass Hutch

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Drexel Mid Century Walnut and Cane Dining Chairs - Set of 4

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Broyhill Brasilia Mid Century Walnut Dining Table with 1 Leaf

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Broyhill Brasilia Mid Century Walnut Dining Table with 1 Leaf

Price $2,095.00

Broyhill Brasilia Mid Century Walnut Dining Table with 1 LeafThis table measures: 60.25 wide x 40.25 deep x 30 inches high, with a chair clearance of 25.75 inches, the leaf is 12 inches wide, making a maximum table width of 72.25 inches

Heywood Wakefield Mid Century Compact Bar Media Sideboard Buffet Credenza

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Bernhardt Pedersen and Son Mid Century Sideboard Credenza

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Early Charles and Ray Eames for Herman Miller Mid Century Walnut DCM Chairs - Set of 6

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Jens Risom Style Mid Century Dining Table with 2 Leaves

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Jens Risom Style Mid Century Dining Table with 2 Leaves

Price $1,995.00

Jens Risom Style Mid Century Dining Table with 2 LeavesThis table measures: 43 wide x 43 deep x 30 inches high, with a chair clearance of 29 inches, each of the 2 leaves are 22 inches wide, making a maximum table width of 87 inches

Preview Mid Century Cantilevered Dining Chairs - Set of 10

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Karl Springer Style Mid Century Goat Skin Dining Table

Price $3,995.00

Karl Springer Style Mid Century Goat Skin Dining TableThe dining table measures: 72 wide x 48 deep x 29.5 high, with a chair clearance of 26.5 inches; each leaf is 18 inches wide, making a maximum table width of 108 inches

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Paul McCobb for Planner Group Mid Century Dining Table with 2 Leaves

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Broyhill Basilia II Mid Century Dining Chairs - Set of 5

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Kipp Stewart for Drexel Mid Century Walnut Dining Chairs - Set of 6

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Dyrlund Style Mid Century Rosewood Buffet and Hutch

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Dyrlund Style Mid Century Rosewood Buffet and Hutch

Price $1,995.00

Dyrlund Style Mid Century Rosewood Buffet and HutchThis buffet measures: 64.25 wide x 12.25 deep x 26.75 inches highThis hutch measures: 64.25 wide x 18 deep x 30 inches high, with a total combined height of 56.75 inches

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Mid Century Tulip Base Dining Table

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Mid Century Tulip Base Dining Table

Price $1,495.00

Mid Century Tulip Base Dining TableThis table measures: 45 wide x 45 deep x 28.5 inches high, with a chair clearance of 27.5 inches

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Mount Airy Janus Mid Century Dining Table with 2 Leaves

Price $1,995.00

Mount Airy Janus Mid Century Dining Table with 2 Leaves This table measures: 60 wide x 40 deep x 29.5 inches high, with a chair clearance of 26.75 inches high, each of the 2 leaves are 18 inches wide, making a maximum table width of 96 inches

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Broyhill Sculptra Mid Century Walnut Dining Table with 3 Leaves

Price $1,995.00

Broyhill Sculptra Mid Century Walnut Dining Table with 3 LeavesThis table measures: 60 wide x 40 deep x 29.75 inches high, with a chair clearance of 26.75 inches, each of the 3 leaves measure 12 inches wide, making a maximum table width of 96 inches

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Drylund Danish Mid Century Teak Buffet and Hutch

Price $2,495.00

Drylund Danish Mid Century Teak Buffet and HutchThis buffet measures: 71.5 wide x 17 deep x 30 inches highThis hutch measures: 63 wide x 11.75 deep x 27.75 inches high, with a combined buffet and hutch height of 57.75 inches

Mid Century Modern Dining Table Vintage




